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My user manual


A couple of years ago, one of my colleagues introduced the idea of a personal user manual to the design team. It didn’t really take hold as a ‘thing’, but I quite liked the idea.

I think it came from Cassie Robinson’s post, where you can also find some templates to go from.

The aim is to give your colleagues an easy to scan overview of what makes you tick:

  • The conditions you like to work in
  • The hours you prefer
  • The best ways to communicate with you
  • The ways to give you feedback
  • Things that you need
  • Things you struggle with
  • Things you love
  • Other interesting stuff

The key is, at least for me, that it’s all about soft skills. Or soft stuff, as it’s not always about skills, per se.

If nothing else, it’s a nice bit of self-analysis, which is something I should probably do more often.

Anyway, here’s my user manual. I hope it gives you a bit of an insight into how I like to work, and maybe it’ll prompt a bit of an activity within your team so you can understand each other even better.

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More posts

Here are a couple more posts for you to enjoy. If that’s not enough, have a look at the full list.

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    Everyone who works in digital product development should be familiar with screen reader software. Here’s how to get started with NVDA on Windows.

  2. An enhancement to accessible responsive tables

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