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Voice Control for macOS commands cheatsheet

Posted in Accessibility and Apple

Although I’ve done a fair bit of testing using Voice Control on macOS over the past year or so, I’m far from an every day user, so something that comes in very handy is my cheatsheet.

This is basically copy of the commands in Preferences → Accessibility → Voice Control → Commands…, but has the advantage of being text/HTML, so it’s searchable. So if you ever need to remind yourself of any Voice Control commands, feel free to + f your way through this page!

Basic Navigation

  • Open Siri
  • Open <application name>
  • Quit <application name>
  • Hide <application name>
  • Quit application
  • Hide application
  • New item
  • Open document
  • Save document
  • Close window
  • Minimise window
  • Click <item name>
  • <item name>
  • Click <menu name> menu
  • Click <menu item name>
  • Close menu
  • Go to previous field
  • Go to next field
  • Find the next <phrase>
  • Find next
  • Show commands
  • Hide commands
  • Open Voice Control preferences
  • Show keyboard
  • Hide keyboard
  • Go to sleep
  • Wake up
  • Search Spotlight for <phrase>
  • Search for <phrase>
  • Make this speakable
  • Turn off Voice Control
  • Send that
  • Open result
  • Close Spotlight
  • Previous result
  • Next result
  • Scroll preview down
  • Scroll preview up
  • Search now
  • Go back
  • Go forward
  • New tab
  • Close tab
  • Zoom in
  • Zoom out
  • Close Siri

Overlays & Mouse

  • Show numbers
  • Hide numbers
  • Show grid
  • Show window grid
  • Hide grid
  • Choose <number>
  • <number>
  • Click <number>
  • Double-click <number>
  • Triple-click <number>
  • Long press <number>
  • Drag <number> to <number>
  • Start drag <number>
  • Drop <number>
  • Click and hold <number>
  • Zoom in <number>
  • Zoom out <number>
  • Move cursor left <count> pixels
  • Move cursor right <count> pixels
  • Move cursor up <count> pixels
  • Move cursor down <count> pixels
  • Single-click
  • Double-click
  • Triple-click
  • Long press
  • Click and hold mouse
  • Release mouse


  • <phrase>
  • <phrase> emoji
  • Type <phrase>
  • Insert date
  • Press Return key
  • Press Escape key
  • Add to vocabulary

Text Selection

  • Select that
  • Select all
  • Select <phrase>
  • Select previous
  • Select next
  • Select character
  • Select previous character
  • Select next character
  • Select word
  • Select previous word
  • Select next word
  • Select sentence
  • Select previous sentence
  • Select next sentence
  • Select paragraph
  • Select previous paragraph
  • Select next paragraph
  • Select line
  • Select previous line
  • Select next line
  • Select <count> characters
  • Select previous <count> characters
  • Select next <count> characters
  • Select <count> words
  • Select previous <count> words
  • Select next <count> words
  • Select <count> sentences
  • Select previous <count> sentences
  • Select next <count> sentences
  • Select <count> paragraphs
  • Select previous <count> paragraphs
  • Select next <count> paragraphs
  • Select <count> lines
  • Select previous <count> lines
  • Select next <count> lines
  • Extend selection <count> characters
  • Extend selection back <count> characters
  • Extend selection <count> words
  • Extend selection back <count> words
  • Extend selection <count> sentences
  • Extend selection back <count> sentences
  • Extend selection <count> paragraphs
  • Extend selection back <count> paragraphs
  • Extend selection <count> lines
  • Extend selection back <count> lines
  • Deselect that

Text Navigation

  • Move down
  • Move up
  • Move left
  • Move right
  • Scroll up
  • Scroll down
  • Scroll to top
  • Scroll to bottom
  • Move to beginning
  • Move to end
  • Move to beginning of word
  • Move to end of word
  • Move to beginning of sentence
  • Move to end of sentence
  • Move to beginning of paragraph
  • Move to end of paragraph
  • Move to beginning of line
  • Move to end of line
  • Move to beginning of selection
  • Move to end of selection
  • Move forward <count> characters
  • Move back <count> characters
  • Move forward <count> words
  • Move back <count> words
  • Move forward <count> sentences
  • Move back <count> sentences
  • Move forward <count> paragraphs
  • Move back <count> paragraphs
  • Move forward <count> lines
  • Move back <count> lines
  • Move right <count> characters
  • Move left <count> characters
  • Move right <count> words
  • Move left <count> words
  • Move right <count> sentences
  • Move left <count> sentences
  • Move right <count> paragraphs
  • Move left <count> paragraphs
  • Move right <count> lines
  • Move left <count> lines
  • Move after <phrase>
  • Move before <phrase>

Text Editing

  • Replace <phrase> with <phrase>
  • Insert <phrase> after <phrase>
  • Insert <phrase> before <phrase>
  • Correct that
  • Correct <phrase>
  • Undo that
  • Redo that
  • Cut that
  • Copy that
  • Paste that
  • Capitalise that
  • Capitalise <phrase>
  • Lowercase that
  • Lowercase <phrase>
  • Uppercase that
  • Uppercase <phrase>
  • Bold that
  • Bold <phrase>
  • Italicise that
  • Italicise <phrase>
  • Underline that
  • Underline <phrase>

Text Deletion

  • Delete that
  • Delete all
  • Delete <phrase>
  • Delete character
  • Delete previous character
  • Delete next character
  • Delete word
  • Delete previous word
  • Delete next word
  • Delete sentence
  • Delete previous sentence
  • Delete next sentence
  • Delete paragraph
  • Delete previous paragraph
  • Delete next paragraph
  • Delete line
  • Delete previous line
  • Delete next line
  • Delete <count> characters
  • Delete previous <count> characters
  • Delete next <count> characters
  • Delete <count> words
  • Delete previous <count> words
  • Delete next <count> words
  • Delete <count> sentences
  • Delete previous <count> sentences
  • Delete next <count> sentences
  • Delete <count> paragraphs
  • Delete previous <count> paragraphs
  • Delete next <count> paragraphs
  • Delete <count> lines
  • Delete previous <count> lines
  • Delete next <count> lines

Accessibility in your inbox

I send an accessibility-centric newsletter on the last day of every month, containing:

  • A roundup of the articles I’ve posted
  • A hot pick from my archives
  • Some interesting posts from around the web

I don’t collect any data on when, where or if people open the emails I send them. Your email will only be used to send you newsletters and will never be passed on. You can unsubscribe at any time.

More posts

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  2. How to browse the web with the keyboard alone

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