The things I’m up to right now
Last updated 1st February 2025
You’ve seen my blog and about page so you know what I’m interested in and how I ended up doing what I do, but what am I up to right now?
- Gearing up for more travel with with work; this time only three sites to visit, including London and Paris
- Enjoying having put on an accessibility empathy lab at the Ministry of Testing in Newcastle
- Work have upped the days-in-the-office quota to three days, so I’m cycling 16 kilometre (each way) an extra day now. Wish the weather was better…
- After some heavy eating over the festive period, trying to watch the sweet treats and other habits like a-couple-of-beers-with-dinner to halt any waistline expansion
- Four years into the daily cold showers
- Enjoying watching my football team when I can; most recently watch them beat Bromley in the FA Cup
- Still playing Pokémon Go (I’m currently level 46), even though my son’s interest in playing wavers…
This page was inspired by Derek Sivers’